Saturday, May 11, 2013

Welcome…Princess Merida!

It’s official – Merida, Scottish star of Disney-Pixar’s features Brave, is now an official Disney Princess.

Not just a princess in the Disney franchise.  No, she’s now the 11th member of the Disney Royal Court aka the official lineup for the Disney Princess franchise.

Take a look with me at the royal festivities!

I Am Merida…And I Am a Princess!

This morning at 9:30, the ceremonies began at Disney World

Video from YouTube. Leave it to to always create an amazing video!

In a pretty epic coronation ceremony, all the members of the Royal Court showed up in front of Cinderella Castle to welcome the newest member, who came in riding on Angus (that was sweet!) with banners and Scottish dancers.  Let me just say at this point that I love how “Merida” stayed in perfect character during the entire ceremony – just wonderful!

All images, unless specified, are from

Joining the Royal Court on the stage, Merida told everyone how excited she was to be here and then the proclamation was read.  Her mother Queen Elinor (yeah, that’s right!  Her first Park appearance!) came out and crowned Merida, making her the 11th member.

I love Queen Elinor so much!
The speech she gave to Merida was so cute!

Image from

Then there was a really really cute hug between mother and daughter.

I can't tell you how much I am in love with this!

And then the best part: Merida happily stood before the audience in her new crown and proclaimed, “I am strong. I am brave.  I am Merida…and I am a princess!”

I just can't.

Love love love!

Cue fan girl screams now.  Man, Disney sure knows how to do it right.

After Queen Elinor gave Merida her bow, Merida joined the rest of the Royal Court for a final photo opportunity – a once-in-a-lifetime one until Princesses numbers 12 and 13 come in 2014.

Wishing so hard that I had been there!

Welcome Princess Merida to the Disney Royal Court!

What a smile!

Reaction: *sigh*...just magical



Here’s the video of the coronation from Disney Parks Blog, showing different angles/views of the event!  Enjoy!

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