Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Do You Recognize Us?

Hey everyone!  Today's post is a little different: I'm wondering if anyone can identify these two little figurines I have, which I think are Disney.

I bought these two little fawns at an a "garage" sale to support a relative with cancer.  At first, I just thought they were cute, then I realized they looked a lot like Bambi and Faline from the Disney movie. 

What do you think?

Top photo of "Bambi."
Photo copyrighted and taken by THE Disney Freak.

Bottom photo from the Disney Wiki.
Reference for head.

I cannot find any info on them anywhere. 

Top photo of "Faline."
Photo copyrighted and taken by THE Disney Freak.

Bottom photo from the Disney Wiki.
Reference for head.
I have no idea if whoever owned them before I did repainted them as the paint almost looks different, like it doesn't belong.  I own several Breyer models so I have an idea of what I'm talking about.  Their eyes have no color, just the same brown as the rest of the figurines, so I also have no idea if there was originally another coat of paint, which might explain the unfinished feel the paint has.  I can see that it's white underneath the brown because of the spots, their noses, the insides of their ears, and the undersides of their tails.  One of Faline's legs has broken; you can see the crack line from when someone glued her back together.

Click on the photos to see them at full size.

I'm pretty certain they're figurines of Bambi and Faline, but that's all I actually believe.

Basically, I know nothing.

Does anyone recognize them?

Top photo again of "Faline."
Photo copyrighted and taken by THE Disney Freak.

Bottom photo from
Reference for body.

Top photo again of "Bambi."
Photo copyrighted and taken by THE Disney Freak.

Bottom photo from .
Reference for body.


  1. Sorry the top photos aren't exactly lined up...

  2. I recognize them! they are my sisters!!!!

  3. Nick Maglio over at the Disleelandia blog was kind enough to give these two a look. He says, "I took a look at yours, and it seems we are in the same boat when it comes to not being able to absolutely identify our Bambis. Sorry I can't be of more help on those."

    Thanks Nick for looking! Does anyone else recognize them?


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