Friday, January 3, 2014

The Weirdest Present Ever Received

We watched Cinderella late last night/early this morning, which made me remember this story….

It was the last day of freshman year.  Roomie had left just a few hours earlier, headed back home for summer break.  My dad had just arrived to help me pack up the car and take me home.

As I brought my stuff into the hall for him to take to the van, I realized someone had left a present outside my door.

Now I don’t know if whoever left it there meant it as a joke or what, but the present wasn’t anything I would have been expecting.

A headless Cinderella.

Headless Cinderella
Front view.
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Headless Cinderella
Side view -- I love Jaq and Gus dancing at her feet!
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Headless Cinderella
Back view.
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Headless Cinderella
Another side view.  Note the broken base.
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Headless Cinderella
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I know nothing about the manufacturing information about this figurine as the base doesn’t say much:

Headless Cinderella
I can make out Disney, but I don't know what the rest is...
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But I thought it was such a funny surprise that I decided to keep it.  Headless Cinderella now sits here at home with the rest of my Disney Collection.

Video from YouTube. The Disney Freak’s Blog original video.



  1. you should spell disney freak as one word it works a lot better


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